Regionale Keuring Zuid 2002 – Tilburg, NL
Organized by Jopie Smarius of Smaroel Arabians.
The Regional Judgement was reported to the ECAHO as C-show.
An International community was present to show their finest Arabian beauties.
Horses from Qatar specially came over to participate in this beautiful event.
The whole day was filmed at livery stable ”Bien Venue” to digitally immortalize the highlights on film.
Champions like Sivmen, Ishmara-S., and many others made it possible for the attendees to enjoy Arabian beauties in a Dutch environment.
The top champions of Arabian thoroughbred horses were captured on a smashing DVD by Augustijn Video Productions (AVP).
Eternalized were amongst others:
FA Wisznu (7), Yamesco (12), colts running loose, Vaybian (26), RH Mennesto (27), Reshan Amir RZ (37) with foal, behind the scenes, King Mistery (34) with foal, CSA Khumir (41) with foal, LAR Moshira (68), Silkaja (55), Yourka (56), Ayla-ESA (73), AF Abigail (77), Ishmara-S (81), Yarra (83), Bint Massouda S (89), Meuleranch Sharan (93), RH Pumahbi (94), Sivmen B (100), Najibb (101), Amal-Chariklia 103) LA Shafay (104), etc.
Various lovely market stalls were assembled in the ”Temple of Egypt”, where also painter Winy Jacobs entrusted her love for Arabian horses to the canvas.
Different rubrics, Liberty, freestyle and many champions to be were presented to the jury.
Many a trophy and insignes were handed out as award of a successful competition.
Added to the DVD : Review and bonus van Reshan Amir RZ. (37)