Iwan and Sandra are getting married



After dressing and make-up of the bride, she is picked up by the groom in a beautiful old-fashioned London cab.


The promise of marriage is made in the Oosterhout town hall, where after the church ceremony takes place in the
St. Antoniuschurch in Oosterhout.


After an excellent meal, it is party time in party centre “De Schildkamp” in Asperen. After a brief look in the honeymoon suite, we leave the couple to enjoy their first wedding night.


The film on the moment of their lives was produced by Augustijn Video Productions (AVP) on double DVD.


Part 1 shows the official part, on part 2 a wild party.

Title: Iwan en Sandra gaan trouwen
Running time: 2 x 54 minutes
Language: Dutch
Voice over: none
Recording year:  AVP © 2007
Format: 4:3
Price: private collection  (double DVD)