Marais de Pont de Gau



Augustijn Video Productions (AVP) brings the Camargue closer to you on film.


South of the French town of Arles, lies in the delta of the river Rhône, the 750 km2 Regional Park of the Camargue.


A vast area with water and reed, included between Le Petit Rhône and the Grande Rhône.


Idyllic highlight is the Marais de Pont de Gau, a marshland area with a varying nature.


Springtime changes the marsh into a source of life.


Apart from the thousands of flamingos, the marsh hosts the giant Coypu, which is occupied taking care of her young ones. The Aigrettes, the little white Egrets, gorge themselves with large numbers of tadpoles. Both the Tufted Duck, Night Heron, Blue Heron, Cattle Egret, Black Stork, as well as the rare Sacred Ibis and Marbled Duck are to be found in the marsh.


The film shows spectacular footage of a family of Black Winged Stilts, vigorously protecting their newborn offspring against flamingo’s and obtrusive Common Shelducks.


Title: Marais de Pont de Gau

Running time: 20 minutes

Language: Dutch

Voice over: Ko Augustijn

Recording year: AVP © 2006

Format: 4:3

Price: EUR 9,95