Discover Kenya




There is still much to discover in East Africa’s most visited country.


Augustijn Video Productions (AVP) captured the fast disappearing wilderness in a fascinating documentary.


Walking with wildlife, navigating with fast boats between aggressive hippo’s and fish eagles diving at their prey, witness a mother cheetah and cubs feasting on a fresh kill, young jackal brothers cautiously looking out of their den, and follow a family of bat eared foxes who rarely show themselves by day.


Spy on elephants at night from very close range and thousands of flamingo coloring the shores of Lake Nakuru.


Be there during the most peculiar mating rituals of dik-dik and the energetic topi.


That and much more is offered in the exclusive film “DISCOVER Kenya”.

Title: Discover Kenya
Running time: 48 minutes
Language: English
Voice over: Marijke Bangert
Recording year:  AVP © 2010
Format: High Definition 16:9
Price: EUR 14,95