Polar Head



The Techno band “Polar Head” was formed by Henk vocals/lead guitar and vocals/keyboard by Joost.


“Polar Head” played in 2002 during the “Great Price of South of Holland” (GPZH) live in “WaterFront” at Rotterdam.


The “Great Price” (GPZH) is THE talentscout for amature musicians, organised by the PopUnion. The total acts in “WaterFront” was around 120.


“WaterFront” is a Rotterdam Club for national and international bands, dance-acts and dancenights. This theatre, with a small and a large stage, is always reknown for a dedicated group of feasters, which were all present again this evening.


“Polar Head” can grow to become a very large professional band and goes for the finals.


The level of “Polar Head” was very high, the atmosphere was good and the musicians were standing nothing in their way to go for the tops.


This spectacular-, enthousiastic show was recorded by Augustijn Video Productions (AVP).


The subsequent performance by “Polar Head” in Paard van Troje in The Hague was also filmed.




Title: Polar Head
Running time: 18 minutes
Language: instrumental
Voice over: geen
Recording year:  AVP © 2002
Format: 4:3
Price: EUR 9,95