Best of the West – from the series “In and about Wyoming”



“Best of the West” takes you along on a roundtrip through 5 states within the Mid West.


From the lively Denver to nature. Newborn pronghorns, Mountain goats at Mount Rushmore, amidst large herds of bison.


Prairiedog towns in the Badlands, Devils Tower, the battlefields of Little Big Horn, Salt Lake City, and 600 Harley Davidsons in Vernal,UT.


Dinosaur Ntl Park with its many creeping crawling creatures, Estes Park, and the steep route through the Rocky Mountain National Park, with an unexpected surprise by a very impertinent inhabitant of the forest.

Title: Best of the West – uit de serie “In and about Wyoming”
Running time: 50 minutes
Language: n.a.
Voice over: none
Recording year:  AVP © 2001
Format: 4:3
Price: EUR 12,50