


Etosha National Park: 20.000 km2 untamed nature with abundant wildlife, situated in Namibia, a country 20x as big as the Netherlands.


Etosha National Park is one of the most magnificent and interesting wildlife sanctuaries in Africa. At first sight dry and deserted, Etosha offers an abundant flora and fauna. The very heart of Etosha is the dry, flat saltpan. The earth is barren, but not always dry. Until the rains come, the animals of Etosha quench their thirst in the waterpools.


Augustijn Video Productions (AVP) filmed the many-sidedness and the life in all seemingly deserted drought. Huge numbers of springbokkies, zebra’s en oryx gather together in and around the priceless water. From small weaverbirds, with their huge nests, to the “giants of Etosha“, the largest elephants in the world.


The film shows the amazing life in and around these pools. Particularly at night the animals are more than ever cautious. Springbokkies, giraf, jackal, all are particularly aware of the necessity to drink and the associated danger.

Title: “Etosha”
Running time: 40 minutes
Language: instrumental
Voice over: none
Recording year:  AVP © 2004
Format: 4:3
Price: EUR 12,50